Under the right conditions and support, the body can heal itself more effectively than anything we try to do to manage or “fix it.”

It is my job to support those right conditions and invite curiosity, with you, as to what will help unlock the stress and upset long held in your system.


Contact Me

Melinda London
Venice, CA Practice


310-827-6029 voice message

I am also available by Zoom/Skype teletherapy which can be done in the comfort and safety of your own space.


I welcome you to contact me and I’ll provide you with a complimentary 15 minute call.

I can hear what is going on for you and answer any questions you may have. This way you can get a sense of who I am and how I can support you.

If it feels right, you can also just schedule an appointment with me.

Send me an email or use the form on the right and I will get back to you.
